student in field collecting moisture data

Former Team


Alijani, Zohreh
Investigation the Role of Factors Important for the Validation of Satellite Soil Moisture Retrievals: Applications of LiDAR Technology. [PhD 2023]
MacRae, Heather
Spatio-temporal variability of soil moisture in the Canadian boreal forest; influence of organic layer.  [MSc 2022]
Creen, Jay Determining the role of vegetation water content in L-band microwave soil moisture monitoring over the boreal forest. [MSc 2022]
Miller, Bryce Exploration of Evapotranspiration (ET) Sensitivity to Vegetation Indices (VIs) Using Weighing Lysimeters. [MSc 2020]
Oja, Matilda Understanding Factors Influencing Agricultural Expansion in the Canadian Boreal Forest. [MSc 2020]
Chang, Qianyu Mapping shrub biomass, Leaf Area Index and rainfall interception capacities in the Arctic tundra using L-band SAR. [MSc 2020]
Eyre, Riley Examining and Modelling the Relationship Between Local Topographic Variation and Crop Yield Potential .[MSc 2020]
Mardian, Jacob Evaluating the utility of remote sensing time series analysis for the identification of grassland conversions in Alberta, Canada.[MSc 2020]
Shirriff, Katherine Investigation of Cover Crop Adoption as a Soil Conservation Practice Across Southern Ontario.[MSc 2020]
March, Michael Assessing the Performance of Multispectral Sensors Mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for the Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon Levels at Field-Scale.[MSc 2020]
Kopan, Melisa Examining Multiple Techniques to Interpolate Discrete soil moisture measurements using a large-scale lysimeter facility.[MSc 2019]
White, Jenelle Characterizing wheat and canola yield sensitivity to the timing and duration of soil moisture extremes observed from microwave satellites. [MSc 2018]
Carpino, Olivia Permafrost probability modelling and mapping in southern Northwest Territories and northeastern British Columbia. [MSc 2017]
MacDougall, Joshaua Evaluating linear polarizations from C-band SAR to changes in vegetation and in-situ soil moisture over corn fields in SW Ontario. [MSc 2017]
Ueckermann, Elené Evaluating the Utility of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture for the Characterization of Runoff Response over Canadian Watersheds.[MSc 2017]
Chabot (Cowan), Melanie Characterizing Agricultural Surface roughness using a terrestrial laser scanner: Implications for soil moisture retrieval from remote sensing products. [MSc 2016]
Williamson, Matthew A critical evaluation of the Hydra Probe for use in the validation of remote sensing soil freeze/thaw products. [MSc 2016]
Woodley, William Investigating the scaling of an in situ soil moisture for satellite validation. [MSc 2016]
Wrona, Elizabeth Evaluation of Novel remote sensing techniques for soil moisture monitoring in the Western Canadian Arctic. [MSc 2016]
Adams, Justin Active and passive microwave remote sensing of soil moisture: Validation and scaling over an agricultural region. [PhD 2015]
Burns, Travis Evaluating The Spatial And Temporal Variability Of Soil Moisture Within The Brightwater Creek Watershed, Saskatchewan, Canada.[MSc 2015]
Humphrey, Rachel The dynamics of active layer soil moisture over Canadian Arctic tundra in Trail Valley Creek, NT observed in-situ and with remote sensing. [MSc 2015]
Manns, Hida Soil organic carbon in soil water content variability; detection and application in agricultural fields. [PhD 2015]
Warren, Rebecca Examining the spatial distribution of soil moisture and its relationship to vegetation and permafrost dynamics in a Subarctic permafrost peatland. [MSc 2015]
Belanger, Jonathon The role of soil moisture monitoring networks in the validation of remotely sensed soil moisture estimates. [MSc 2014]
Merchant, Allan Ecological classifications of the Taiga Plains Boreal Zone using Polarimetric SAR. [MSc 2014]
Roy, Swapan Simulation of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Moisture Using the Simultaneous Heat And Water (SHAW) Model: Applications to Passive Microwave Remote Sensing. [MSc 2014]
Scriver, Rebecca Evaluating the effect of irrigation policies on urban energy budgets using remote sensing. [MSc 2014]
Woodrow, Kathryn Isolated Catchment Mapping in Southwestern Ontario Morainal Landscapes. [MSc 2014]
Fuss, Colleen Increasing digital elevation model resolution using multi-observation, quad-polar, RADARSAT-2 imagery and data fusion techniques. [MSc 2013]
Impera, Sarah Validating In Situ Soil Moisture Monitoring Networks for use with Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Products. [MSc 2012]
McKeown, Steve Discrimination of agricultural land management practices using polarimetric Synthetic Aperture RADAR. [MSc 2012]
Melnychuk, Amie Multi-temporal crop classification using a decision tree in a Southern Ontario agricultural region. [MSc 2012]
Champagne, Catherine Evaluation of agricultural soil moisture extremes in Canada using passive microwave remote sensing. [PhD 2011]
Powell, Kate Evaluating soil moisture variability using Synthetic Aperture RADAR and LiDAR derived wetness indices. [MSc 2011]
Rogers, Jess Remote sensing for the prediction of wind erosion potential. [MSc 2011]
Adams, Justin Sensitivity of Polarimetric C-band Synthetic Aperture RADAR to Field-Scale Soil Surface Parameters. [MSc 2010]
Courtney, Lisa Evaluating the Controls of Soil Moisture Variability within the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS). [MSc 2009]
Dumedah, Gift Multi-Objective Calibration of Hydrological Models and Data Assimilation using Genetic Algorithms. [PhD 2009]
Alavi, Nasim Data assimilation techniques to improve evapotranspiration estimates. [PhD 2008]
Hansen, Dionne Soil moisture variability at the regional and Satellite Pixel Scale: Implications for Calibration/validation Networks. [MSc 2007]
Koukidis, Eleni The sensitivity of the statistical downscaling model (SDSM) to reanalysis products. [MSc 2007]
Powell, Luke R. Links Among Climate, Soil Moisture and Grasshopper Populations in Alberta. [MSc 2005]