
An up-to-date list of my publications is available on Google Scholar


*former or current group members

Shirriff* K, KC KB, Berg A. 2022. Evaluation of Agrobiodiversity and Cover Crop Adoption in Southern Ontario Field Crops. Agronomy. 12(2):415.

Berg, A., J. Thomas Ambadan*, A. Colliander, H. McNairn, J. Powers, E. Tetlock. 2022. The Impact of In-Situ Probe Orientation on SMAP Validation Statistics. IEEE Remote Sensing Letters. 19. 3000205. 10.1109/LGRS.2020.3018077

Chang*, Q., S. Zwieback, B. DeVries, A. Berg. 2022. Application of L-Band SAR for mapping tundra shrub biomass, leaf area index and rainfall interception. Remote Sensing of Environment. 268. 112747.

Chaubell, J., S. Yueh, S. Dunbar, A. Colliander, D. Entekhabi, S. Chan, F. Chen, X. Xu, R. Bindlish, P. O;Neill J. Asansuma, A. Berg, D.D. Bosch, T. Caldwell, M. Cosh, C. Holifield Collins, K. Jensen, J. Martinez-Fernandez, H. McNairn, M. Seyfried, P.J. Starks, Z. Su, M. Thibeault, J. Walker. 2022. Implementation and Analysis of the regularized dual-channel algorithm for the retrieval of soil moisture and vegetation optical depth for SMAP. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 15, 102-114. 10.1109/JSTARS.2021.3123932

Colliander, A., R.H. Reichle, W.T. Crow, M.H. Cosh, F. Chen, S. Chan, N. Das, R. Bindlish, M.J. Chaubell, S.B. Kim, Q. Liu, P. O’Neill, R.S. Dunbar, L. Dang,  J. Kimball, T.J. Jackson, H.K. al Jassar, J. Asanuma, B. K. Bhattacharya, A. Berg, D.D. Bosch, L. Bourgeau-Chavez, T. Caldwell, J-C. Calvet, W. Dorigo, C. Holifield Collins, K. Jensen, S. Livingston, E. Lopez-Baeza, J. Martínez-Fernández, H. McNairn, M. Moghaddam, C. Montzka, C. Notarnicola, T. Pellarin, J. Prueger, J. Pulliainen, J. Ramos, M. Seyfried, P. Starks, Z. Su, R. van der Velde, Y. Zeng, M. Thibeault, J.P. Walker, M. Zribi, D. Entekhabi, S. Yueh. 2022. Validation of soil moisture data products from the NASA SMAP mission. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 15, 364-392. 10.1109/JSTARS.2021.3124743

Lapierre, J., P.V. Ferrari Machado, Z. Bebruyn, S.E. Brown, S. Jordan, A. Berg, A. Biswas, H.A.L. Henry. C. Wagner-Riddle. 2022. Cover crop mixtures: a powerful strategy to reduce post-harvest surplus soil nitrate and leaching. Agriculture, Ecosystems and the Environment. 325. 107750.

Alijani*, Z., J. Lindsay, M. Chabot*, T. Rowlandson*, A. Berg. 2021. Sensitivity of C-Band SAR polarimetric variables to the directionality of surface roughness parameters. Remote Sensing. 13(11):2210.

Brown S, C. Wagner-Riddle, Z. Debruyn, S. Jordan, A. Berg, J.T. Ambadan*, K.A. Congreves, P.V. Machado. 2021. Assessing variability of soil water balance components measured at a new lysimeter facility dedicated to the study of soil ecosystem services. Journal of Hydrology. 2021 127037.

DeBeer, C.M., H. S. Wheater, J. W. Pomeroy, A. G. Barr, J. L. Baltzer, J. F. Johnstone, M. R. Turetsky, R. E Stewart, M. Hayashi, G. van der Kamp, S. Marshall, E. Campbell, P. Marsh, S. K. Carey, W. L. Quinton, Y. Li, S. Razavi, A. Berg, J. J. McDonnell, C, Spence, W. D. Helgason,  A. M. Ireson, T.A Black, B. Davison, A. Howard, J. M. Thériault, K. Shook, A. Pietroniro. 2021. Summary and synthesis of Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN) research in the interior of western Canada–Part 2: Future change in cryosphere, vegetation, and hydrology. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 25. 1849-1882.

Eyre* R, Lindsay J, Laamrani* A, Berg A. 2021. Within-Field Yield Prediction in Cereal Crops Using LiDAR-Derived Topographic Attributes with Geographically Weighted Regression Models. Remote Sensing. 13(20):4152.

Pardo Lara* R, A. Berg, J. Warland, G. Parkin. Implications of measurement metrics on soil freezing curves: A simulation of freeze-thaw hysteresis. Hydrological Processes 35(7), e14269, 10.1002/hyp.14269 2021

Mardian*, J, A. Berg, B. Daneshfar, 2021. Evaluating the Temporal Accuracy of Grassland to Cropland Change Detection Using Multitemporal Image Analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment. 255, 112292.

Mavrovic A., R. Pardo Lara*, A. Berg, F. Demontoux, A. Royer, A. Roy. 2021. Soil dielectric characterization during freeze-thaw transitions using L-band coaxial probe and soil moisture probes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 25, 1117-113.

Park, C-H., A. Berg, M.H. Cosh, A. Colliander, A. Behrendt, H. Manns, J. Hong, J. Lee, V. Wulfmeyer. 2021. An inverse dielectric mixing model at 50 MHz that considers soil organic carbon. Hydrology and Earth System Science. 25, 6407-6420.